Poor peter likes things that are far apart. Today he wants to find letters that are as far apart in distance as possible. There is one caveat, he is only interested in letters which are aligned in a given column. Given a grid with letters on it, For each column, calculate the difference between the upper-most and lower-most letters in that column. Example: ..AB.. ..AB.. CCAB.. ...... .DDEE. ...... Column 1: 0, because there is only one letter Column 2: 2, the C and the D are 2 apart Column 3: 4, the upper A is 4 from the D Column 6: -1, Print a -1 if there are no letters in the column Input: The first line of input contains the number of test cases. Each test case consists of 6 lines, each containing 6 characters, which will either be a letter or a '.' Each test case is followed by a completely blank line. Output: Output 1 line per test case, a comma separated list of the maximum vertical distance between letters in each of the 6 columns Input: 1 ..AB.. ..AB.. CCAB.. ...... .DDEE. ...... Output: 0,2,4,4,0,-1