import java.util.*; public class aoe_font { public static void main(String[] args) { new aoe_font(new Scanner(; } int N, M, maxRadius; circle2[] villages; vec2[] minions; // Try minion center as the center minion and spin a circle around that // point without restricting the radius. If no villages were present, this // would be the optimal solution. int spinMinions(int center) { Event[] events = new Event[2*N+2*(M-1)]; int fptr = 0, bptr = 0; long diameter2 = maxRadius*4L*maxRadius; // Add all the minion events int activeMinions = 1; // Include ourselves in our count for (int i=0; i diameter2) continue; vec2 dv = minions[i].sub(minions[center]); double d = Math.sqrt(dd); double a = Math.acos(d/(2.0*maxRadius)); double ang = Math.atan2(dv.y, dv.x); double e1 = ang-a, e2 = ang+a; //System.out.printf("minion %.6f %.6f -- %.6f%n", e1, e2, ang); if (e1 < -Math.PI) { activeMinions++; e1 += 2*Math.PI; } events[bptr++] = new Event(e1, 1); // Add minion if (e2 > Math.PI) { activeMinions++; e2 -= 2*Math.PI; } events[bptr++] = new Event(e2, 2); // Remove minion } // Add events for active circles that can block us using a circle. int activeVillages = 0; for (int i=0; i ab2) continue; vec2 dv = villages[i].cen.sub(minions[center]); double c = Math.sqrt(c2); double ang = Math.atan2(dv.y, dv.x); double top = b*b+c*c-a*a; double bot = 2*b*c; double A = Math.acos(top/bot); double e1 = ang-A, e2 = ang+A; //System.out.printf("village %.6f %.6f -- %.6f%n", e1, e2, ang); if (e1 < -Math.PI) { activeVillages++; e1 += 2*Math.PI; } events[bptr++] = new Event(e1, 3); // Add village if (e2 > Math.PI) { activeVillages++; e2 -= Math.PI; } events[bptr++] = new Event(e2, 0); // Remove village } // Run the sweep Arrays.sort(events, fptr, bptr); int res = 0; if (activeVillages == 0) res = activeMinions; //System.out.println(activeMinions); while (fptr < bptr) { Event first = events[fptr]; while (fptr < bptr && first.compareTo(events[fptr]) == 0) { Event cur = events[fptr++]; if (cur.t == 1) activeMinions++; else if (cur.t == 2) activeMinions--; else if (cur.t == 3) activeVillages++; else if (cur.t == 0) activeVillages--; else System.out.println("BADNESS"); } //System.out.println(activeMinions+" "+activeVillages); if (activeVillages == 0) res = Math.max(res, activeMinions); } //System.out.println(activeMinions+" "+res); return res; } // The other case is to reduce the circle size, this is accomplished by // sweeping between two villages. int sweepTwoVillages(int village1, int village2) { circle2 v1 = villages[village1], v2 = villages[village2]; long diameter = maxRadius*2+(int)v1.rad+(int)v2.rad; long diameter2 = diameter*diameter; long distBetweenVillages = v1.cen.idist2(v2.cen); if (diameter2 <= distBetweenVillages) return 0; int nCandidates = 0; circle2[] candidateCircles = new circle2[2*M]; for (int i=0; i { double p; // position in sweep (angle, or projected distance) int t; // type of event. Sweep dependant. This problem has many sweeps. public Event(double pp, int tt) { p=pp; t=tt; } public int compareTo(Event rhs) { if (Math.abs(p-rhs.p) < 1e-9) return t-rhs.t; return, rhs.p); } } class circle2 { vec2 cen; double rad; public circle2(vec2 cc, double rr) { cen=cc; rad=rr; } boolean contains(vec2 p) { double d = cen.dist(p); return GEOM.eq(d, rad) || d < rad; } boolean touches(circle2 rhs) { double d = cen.dist(rhs.cen); double rr = rad+rhs.rad; return GEOM.eq(d, rr); } boolean overlaps(circle2 rhs) { double d = cen.dist(rhs.cen); double rr = rad+rhs.rad; return !GEOM.eq(d, rr) && d < rr; } boolean overlapsOrTouches(circle2 rhs) { double d = cen.dist(rhs.cen); double rr = rad+rhs.rad; return GEOM.eq(d, rr) || d < rr; } // Checks circle-circle intersection with an expanded radius. // Useful for finding a circle tangent to two circles. vec2[] intersect(circle2 rhs, double er, int type) { double L = rad+er; double R = rhs.rad+er; double B = cen.dist(rhs.cen); int nSols = GEOM.testTriangle(L, R, B); if (nSols == 0) return null; // no solution double c = (B*B+L*L-R*R)/(2*B); double b = Math.sqrt(Math.max(L*L-c*c, 0)); vec2 u = rhs.cen.sub(cen).normalize(); vec2 v = new vec2(-u.y, u.x); vec2 vc = u.scale(c), vb = v.scale(b); if (type != 2 && nSols == 1) return new vec2[]{cen.add(vc).add(vb)}; return new vec2[]{cen.add(vc).add(vb), cen.add(vc).sub(vb)}; } public String toString() { return String.format("%s, %.6f%n", cen, rad); } } class vec2 { double x, y; public vec2(double xx, double yy) { x=xx; y=yy; } vec2 add(vec2 rhs) { return new vec2(x+rhs.x, y+rhs.y); } vec2 sub(vec2 rhs) { return new vec2(x-rhs.x, y-rhs.y); } vec2 scale(double s) { return new vec2(x*s, y*s); } vec2 normalize() { double s = mag(); if (s < 1e-9) System.out.println("BADNESS NORMALIZE"); return scale(1.0/s); } // Only use on int coords long idist2(vec2 rhs) { long dx = (int)x-(int)rhs.x; long dy = (int)y-(int)rhs.y; return dx*dx+dy*dy; } double dist(vec2 rhs) { double dx = x-rhs.x; double dy = y-rhs.y; return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); } double mag() { return Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); } public String toString() { return String.format("<%.6f, %.6f>", x, y); } } class GEOM { static double EPS = 1e-9; static boolean eq(double a, double b) { double d = Math.abs(a-b); if (d < EPS) return true; return d < EPS*Math.max(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)); } static int testTriangle(double a, double b, double c) { double[] tri = new double[]{a, b, c}; Arrays.sort(tri); double T = tri[0]+tri[1]; if (GEOM.eq(T, tri[2])) return 1; return T>tri[2]?2:0; } }