Pikachu is a well-known character in the Pokemon anime series. Pikachu can speak, but only 3 syllables: "pi", "ka", and "chu". Therefore Pikachu can only pronounce strings that can be created as a concatenation of one or more syllables he can pronounce. For example, he can pronounce the words "pikapi" and "pikachu". You are given a String word. Your task is to check whether Pikachu can pronounce the string. If the string can be produced by concatenating copies of the strings "pi", "ka", and "chu", return "YES" (quotes for clarity). Otherwise, return "NO". INPUT: Each test case consists of a single line with a string S. Input is terminated when S equals "foo" OUTPUT: For each test case, output a single line, "YES" if pikachu can pronounce the word, else "NO"