import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Created by Yubo on 3/16/15. * * worked with Lydia Xu * * test file: * 80 4 3 6 2 4 2 8 1 4 5 6 2 7 2 9 0 215 4 6 6 2 4 2 8 1 10 6 2 7 2 9 0 299 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 -1 * * * Diary: Lydia worked for the calculator and Yubo worked for the for loops. * Things to be concerned: different conditions * the final rounds has two or three rolls * How to calculate the score when it reaches the final round * */ public class ncna2013_regional_A { public static void main(String[] args){ new ncna2013_regional_A().go(); } Scanner in = new Scanner(; private void go(){ int opp = in.nextInt(); int c = 0; while (opp >= 0){ int count = 0; c ++ ; ArrayList my_score = new ArrayList(); while (count < 8){ //readin my scores int t = in.nextInt(); my_score.add(t); if ( t == 10 ){ count ++; } else { my_score.add(in.nextInt()); count++; } } //dbg(my_score); if (!run(c, opp, my_score)){ System.out.printf("impossible\n"); } opp = in.nextInt(); } } private boolean run(int c, int opp, ArrayList my_score){ System.out.printf("Case %d: ", c); //brute force for (int i = 0 ; i <= 10; i++){ // leftmost score. i.e. first ball in ninth round for (int j = 0; j<= 10-i; j++){ //2nd ball in ninth round for (int m = 0; m <= 10; m++){ if ( m != 10) { for (int n = 0; n <= 10-m ; n++){ if ( n + m == 10){ //extra ball in round 10 for (int k = 0; k<= 10; k++){ ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(my_score); temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(i,j,m,n,k)); //int new_sum = score_calculator(temp); int new_sum = calculate(temp); if ( new_sum == opp +1 ){ //System.out.printf("found possible solution with score %d\n" , new_sum); //dbg(my_score); System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", i,j,m,n,k); return true; } } } else { //four scores added to my_score, calculate ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(my_score); temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(i,j,m,n)); int new_sum = calculate(temp); if ( new_sum == opp +1 ){ System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d\n", i,j,m,n); return true; } } } } else { //if m == 10, guaranteed 5 scores for (int n = 0; n <= 10 ; n++){ if (n != 10){ for (int k = 0; k <= 10 - n; k++){ ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(my_score); temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(i,j,m,n,k)); int new_sum = calculate(temp); if ( new_sum == opp +1 ){ System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", i,j,m,n,k); return true; } } } else { for (int k = 0; k <= 10 ; k++){ ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(my_score); if (i == 10){ temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(i,m,n,k)); } else { temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(i,j,m,n,k)); } int new_sum = calculate(temp); if ( new_sum == opp +1 ){ if (i == 10){ System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d\n", i,m,n,k); } else { System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", i,j,m,n,k); } return true; } } } } } } } } return false; } int calculate(ArrayList arr){ int index = 0; int rank=0; int score=0; int len = arr.size(); while(index a ){ for (int k : a){ System.out.printf("%d ", k); } System.out.println(); } }