ECNA 2001 Programming Contest
Post-Contest Comments and Hints on Problems

After the contest completed, a possible error in the judges' solution for Problem A was brought to our attention. We found that our solution was indeed incorrect and hence those teams that were judged to having solved Problem A correctly were in fact incorrect. (But in the same way the judges' were incorrect!) Two teams that had programs judged incorrect were, in fact correct. Since it is now impossible to return the programs originally judged correct, it would be unfair to change those judgements. However, all runs judged incorrect have been rejudged and the two new correct runs have been added to the scoreboard. Note this does not change the ranking of the top three teams. However, it does boost one team to fourth place.

The judges regret this mistake and take full responsibility. We believe this resolution is the fairest.

After each problem heading, statistics for that problem are given in the form:
number of submissions/number of correct submissions/time (in minutes) of the first correct submission

What's in A Name?


Correct solution:

In this problem, you are given a log from which you can deduce which person have used which ID. When a message is sent by the ID "id", anyone not currently in the hideout are eliminated as a potential match for "id". After we processed the complete log, we have a list of the potential matches between criminal names and ID's. Now what we have to do is to examine all possible ways of assigning criminal names to unique ID's such that the logs are not violated, and see if some criminal names are always assigned to the same ID's. If we view this as a bipartite graph in which the left vertices are the criminal names and the right vertices are the ID's, such that there is an edge between a criminal name and an ID if the assignment does not directly violate the log. Then a valid assignment is simply a perfect matching in the bipartite graph. To check if a particular criminal name can be assigned to an ID in a valid assignment, we determine if there is a perfect matching with the particular assignment fixed. This can be done by fixing the edge and then computing a maximum matching and see how many edges are in the matching. Once we have done this for all the possible criminal name-ID assignments, it is easy to obtain the final answer.

Judges' solutions:

Unfortunately, all three judges' solutions were incorrect (in different ways) but agreed on all test cases. In all three cases, we missed some assignments that can be made because we either did not examine all possible matchings or did not do so correctly. This resulted in the judges' expected output giving "???" instead of actual ID's for some of the criminal names in two of the test cases (A.7.dat, A.15.dat).

Contestants' submissions:

The submissions originally judged correct agreed with the judges' expected output, and hence they were also incorrect. Two teams with submissions judged incorrect were in fact correct: Waterloo Black and Waterloo Gold. All other submissions originally judged incorrect were still incorrect.


We thank the Waterloo's coach Gordon Cormack and their teams for pointing out our mistake.

Problem B: Sorting It All Out


Keep track of the set of letters greater than and less than each letter. You must recognize when you're sorted and when you're inconsistent.

Problem C: Web Navigation


This was intended to be the easiest problem. All that was required was maintaining two stacks.

Problem D: Trees Made To Order


One of the two "hard" problems. You needed to generate the left and right subtrees recursively, as the bounds on n were too large to store all subtrees. Finding the recurrence that gives number of the left and right subtrees is the heart of the problem.

Problem E: Space Station Shielding


The first difficulty is to translate the input numbers to the 3-dimensional grid. Then a flood fill, starting at a square outside the station and counting every time you hit a face, will correctly count the number of exterior faces. Care must be taken not to seep inside.

Problem F: Roads Scholar


Once the weighted graph is built, you need to use the shortest path algorithm, or the all-pairs shortest path, algorithm, to find the shortest paths. You could keep track of the actual paths (but it's not really necessary), not just the lengths.

Problem G: Robots


The other "hard" problem. Not conceptually hard, but there are many things to keep track of and simulate correctly. Pushing debris is one trickier part of the program. Looking one move ahead is useful.

Problem H: Square Ice


An easier problem. Probably you'll store the displayed ice in an array of characters. First filling in the vertical and horizontal molecules and then the angled ones can only fit in one way. (Start in the upper left corner.)