The 2010 ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest, 
     Sponsored by IBM
East Central North America Region

The 2010 ACM-ICPC East Central North America
Regional Programming Contest

Top 5 Teams Receiving Prizes (Site Standings)

Award Team Institute Number of Problems Solved Total Time (in minutes)
Cincinnati Site
First Place Prize Dragons Carnegie Mellon University 8 1237
Second Place Prize Tartans Carnegie Mellon University 6 369
  Triforce Carnegie Mellon University 6 814
Third Place Prize Cowgorithms Wittenberg University 6 843
Fourth Place Prize OSU-Scarlet Ohio State University 6 1185
  Bagpipes Carnegie Mellon University 5 758
Fifth Place Prize Purdue Griffins Purdue University 5 1061
Grand Valley Site
First Place Prize Victors University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 7 1314
Second Place Prize Valiant University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 4 751
Third Place Prize Another Confusing Moniker University of Michigan - Dearborn 3 691
Fourth Place Prize MSU-Green Michigan State University 3 756
Fifth Place Prize GVSU Blue Grand Valley State University 2 244
Windsor Site
First Place Prize Waterloo Black University of Waterloo 8 1104
Second Place Prize Waterloo Gold University of Waterloo 6 1313
Third Place Prize Brock: Fellowship of Hope Brock University 5 905
Fourth Place Prize Gnu Yorkers York University 4 293
  Waterloo Red University of Waterloo 3 250
Fifth Place Prize Toronto A University of Toronto 3 474
Youngstown Site
First Place Prize Ohio Green Ohio University 3 484
Second Place Prize Behrend White Penn State Eire 3 573
Third Place Prize Pitt Blue University of Pittsburgh 3 594
Fourth Place Prize qUArk University of Akron 3 757
Fifth Place Prize Pitt Gold University of Pittsburgh 3 999

Note: Only top two teams from the same institution are entitled for prizes.