The 2011 ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest, 
     Sponsored by IBM
East Central North America Region

The 2011 ACM-ICPC East Central North America
Regional Programming Contest

Winners of Other Awards (Based on Overall Standing)

AwardTeamInstituteOverall RankNumber of Problems SolvedTotal Time (in minutes)Remarks
Jolly Jumpers 41555f676f6c64Ashland University402247Ashland University jumped from the 79th Place last year to 40th place this year
Extreme Programmers OSU-GrayThe Ohio State University114582Solved Problem D in 21 minutes (1/21). Note: The team was entitled to receive the Fifth Place Prize at Cincinnati Site but they left before the prizes were distributed!
Steadfast Gurus Orange HornetsKalamazoo College532405They submitted their solution to Problem A after 4 hours and 50 minutes
Solid Programmers Gryph GoldUniversity of Guelph213582Solved 3 problems in 414 minutes
Relentless Programmers Da BearsDuquesne University562436Solved Problem A after 8 attempts (8/246) and submitted their solution at 4:06:00

Jolly Jumpers
Awarded to the school with highest rank where rank is defined as rank = LastYearHighestRank - ThisYearHighestRank
Extreme Programmers
Awarded to the team submitting the first successful run
Steadfast Gurus
Awarded to the team submitting the last successful run
Solid Programmers
Awarded to the team solving the highest number of problems with minimal penalties
Relentless Programmers
Awarded to the team solving a problem after the most number of wrong submissions