The 2011 ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest, 
     Sponsored by IBM
East Central North America Region

The 2011 ACM-ICPC East Central North America
Regional Programming Contest

Top 10 Teams (Site Standings)

AwardTeamInstituteNumber of Problems SolvedTotal Time (in minutes)
Cincinnati Site
1CMU1Carnegie Mellon University81197
2CMU2Carnegie Mellon University5542
3CMU3Carnegie Mellon University5761
4CowgorithmsWittenberg University4406
5Purdue GriffinsPurdue University4528
6OSU-GrayThe Ohio State University4582
7Cedarville BlueCedarville University3323
8Dayton DigitsUniversity of Dayton3406
9Purdue GreenPurdue University3460
10Taylor PurpleTaylor University3695
Grand Valley Site
1VictorsUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor6686
2Conquering HerosUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor4677
3AlgorythmsMichigan State University3410
4GVSU BlueGrand Valley State University3411
5ValiantUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor3432
6Irish GoldUniversity of Notre Dame3484
7eastLANsingMichigan State University3682
8Marks and GirlGrand Valley State University3733
9Bits Don't ByteUniversity of Michigan - Dearborn3745
10Kung Foo()University of Michigan - Dearborn2287
Windsor Site
1Waterloo BlackUniversity of Waterloo9926
2University of Toronto AUniversity of Toronto8983
3Waterloo GoldUniversity of Waterloo61285
4University of Toronto 1University of Toronto5883
5Gnu YorkersYork University3366
6Waterloo RedUniversity of Waterloo3392
7Gryph GoldUniversity of Guelph3414
8Carleton RedCarelton University3447
9MustangsUniversity of Western Ontario3609
10TrentTrent University2104
Youngstown Site
1qUArkThe University of Akron4678
2Bits && BytesGrove City College3305
3BWBaldwin Wallace College3519
4qUAckThe University of Akron3626
5WolverinesGrove City College3677
6cs101BTeamCollege of Wooster3929
7Pitt BlueUniversity of Pittsburgh2158
8Pitt GoldUniversity of Pittsburgh2166
941555f67656c64Ashland University2247
10O(bees)Oberlin College2264

Note: Only top two teams from the same institution received prizes.