The 2011 ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest, 
     Sponsored by IBM
East Central North America Region

The 2011 ACM-ICPC East Central North America
Regional Programming Contest

Top 15 Teams (Overall Standing)

Final RankTeam NameInstitute NameNumber of Problems SolvedTotal Time (in minutes)
1Waterloo BlackUniversity of Waterloo9926
2University of Toronto AUniversity of Toronto8983
3CMU1Carnegie Mellon University81197
4VictorsUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor6686
5Waterloo GoldUniversity of Waterloo61285
6CMU2Carnegie Mellon University5542
7CMU3Carnegie Mellon University5761
8University of Toronto 1University of Toronto5883
9CowgorithmsWittenberg University4406
10Purdue UniversityPurdue Griffins4528
11OSU-GrayThe Ohio State University4582
12Conquering HerosUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor4677
13qUArkThe University of Akron4678
14Bits && BytesGrove City College3305
15Cedarville BlueCedarville University3323