Final Report

November 14, 2014

The 2014 ACM ICPC East Central North America Regional Programming Contest (ACM ICPC ECNA RPC) was held on Saturday, November 8, 2014. We had 140 teams from 61 colleges and universities throughout western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, eastern Ontario, and Indiana (excluding the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area). This is the largest number of teams to have competed in an ECNA contest.

As it was difficult for some teams in the ECNA region to travel to a single site for the contest, the ECNA RPC was held as a distributed contest. There were four contest sites:

The ECNA RPC was successful this year, although not without its issues. Here are a few comments and observations:

After a brief respite, the ECNA steering committee will discuss the issues that arose during the contest and put in place measures to prevent them from occurring in future contests.

You can view the final standings here.

You can view the problem sets, test data and judges' solutions here.

Special Awards

Congratulations to the following teams on their awards:

Note: Teams are only eligible to win one prize.