import java.util.*; // copy of Difference_bob that checks the guarantee that the answer is <= 10000 public class Difference_bob_checker { public static int r,m; public static int a[]; public static boolean d[]; public static Scanner in; public static void main(String[]args) { in = new Scanner(; r = in.nextInt(); m = in.nextInt(); // Base case if (r == m) { System.out.println(1); System.exit(42); } int n = 200000000; a = new int[10001]; // no idea how big this needs to be d = new boolean[n+1]; // d[i] = true if i has been used int min = 1; // smallest unused difference if (r==1) min = 2; // special case when first integer in sequence is 1 a[0] = r; d[r] = true; int step = 0; while (step < n) { step++; a[step] = a[step-1]+min; if (a[step] == m) { assert(step+1 <= 10000); // check the guarantee here System.out.println(step+1); System.exit(42); } d[a[step]] = true; d[min] = true; for (int i = step-1; i >= 0 && a[step]-a[i] >= min; i--) { int diff = a[step] - a[i]; if (diff == m) { assert(step+1 <= 10000); // check the guarantee here System.out.println(step+1); System.exit(42); } d[diff] = true; } while (d[min]) min++; } assert(false); // shouldn't get here? } }