@-----------------------------------------------------------------@ | TITLE | VERSION | OPERATING SYSTEM | PRICE | |---------------------------+---------+------------------+--------| | Slug Farm | 2.0 | FreeBSD | 49.99 | | Figs of Doom | 1.7 | Linux | 9.98 | | Smiley Goes to Happy Town | 11.0 | Windows | 129.25 | | Wheelbarrow Motocross | 1.0 | BeOS | 34.97 | @-----------------------------------------------------------------@ @---------------------@ | What is the answer? | |---------------------| | 42 | @---------------------@ @---------------------------------------------@ | Tweedledum | Tweedledee | |----------------------------+----------------| | "Knock, knock." | "Who's there?" | | "Boo." | "Boo who?" | | "Don't cry, it's only me." | (groan) | @---------------------------------------------@ @--------------@ | LEFT-ALIGNED | |--------------| | foo | @--------------@ @----------@ | CENTERED | |----------| | bar | @----------@ @---------------@ | RIGHT-ALIGNED | |---------------| | baz | @---------------@ @-----------------------------------------------------------------------------@ | NOT THE RIGHT, OR CENTER, BUT... | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This is a dumb, dull sentence that is exactly seventy-five characters long. | @-----------------------------------------------------------------------------@ @---------------------------------------------------------------------------@ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | @---------------------------------------------------------------------------@ @--------------------------------------------------------------@ | PHANTASMAGORIA | CANTO I | "The Trystyng" | |-----------------------+---------------+----------------------| | One | winter night, | at half-past nine, | | Cold, tired, | and cross, | and muddy, | | I had come home, | too late | to dine, | | And supper, | with cigars | and wine, | | Was | waiting | in the study. | | There was | a strangeness | in the room, | | And | Something | white and wavy | | Was standing | near me | in the gloom - | | I took it | for the | carpet-broom | | Left by | that careless | slavey. | | But presently | the Thing | began | | To shiver | and | to sneeze: | | On which | I said | "Come, come, my man! | | That's a most | inconsiderate | plan. | | Less | noise there, | if you please!" | | "I've caught a cold," | the Thing | replies, | | "Out there | upon the | landing." | | I turned | to look | in some surprise, | | And there, | before | my very eyes, | | A little | Ghost | was standing! | @--------------------------------------------------------------@