Notes to Judges

Read the Error Messages, Notes to Teams, and Notes to Sites right now. ... Done? OK.

The judges' diskette contains one subdirectory for each problem, which includes the description in HTML, the source file, the input and output files, and either an executable program or Java bytecode files. It contains a subdirectory called NOTES that includes the HTML source for these notes. It also contains a subdirectory called JUDGE that includes enhanced versions of the judging utilities used in the last two contests. If you do not already have a tried-and-true method for judging, you might want to take a look at them. Instructions are provided in Using the Judging Utilities, and are available in text form in the file.

All the textual information on the judges' disk can be viewed through a Web browser by accessing browse.html in the mcpc2000 directory installed by the judging utilities (or in the root of the judges' diskette).

Regardless of what judging method you use, remember the following (the included utilities take care of these details for you):

As in recent contests,

We think the easiest problems are Easier Done than Said? and Colorville, followed by Instruens Fabulam and The Triangle Game, and then Falling Leaves and Edge Detection. We don't expect many teams to solve all six problems but most teams should solve one or two.

Andy (the toolsmith) wrote The Triangle Game, and Falling Leaves. Eric (the webmaster) wrote Easier Done than Said? and Instruens Fabulam. I wrote Colorville and Edge Detection (with Andy providing the solution for the latter).

Eric will be your regional contact during the contest. If you have any questions or corrections you can send him email at, or if it's an emergency you can phone him at 417-836-4944. Also check the Updates section of the web site periodically; if any files need to be changed, corrections will be posted there.

John Cigas
Regional Chief Judge: Editor
Rockhurst University