@echo off rem j1.cmd - executed from j.cmd rem locates named problem, initializes team directory rem j1 problemLetter teamNumber name1 name2 name3 name4 name5 name6 name7 name8 rem after shift 0 1 2 3 8 problems some years shift rem digit below should be one more than the number of problems rem make sure in right directory! if not exist ..\rootmark.txt goto norootmk cd ..\team if not exist j.cmd goto expectj if exist j2.cmd goto noj2 cls echo !---------------------------------------------------! echo ! Make sure that the team's diskette is in drive A: ! echo !---------------------------------------------------! pause echo Deleting last submission... echo y | del *.* rem replace batch file deleted from team directory copy ..\judge\j.cmd . if "%1"=="1" goto isnum if "%1"=="2" goto isnum if "%1"=="3" goto isnum if "%1"=="4" goto isnum if "%1"=="5" goto isnum if "%1"=="6" goto isnum if "%1"=="7" goto isnum if "%1"=="8" goto isnum if "%1"=="9" goto isnum if "%1"=="10" goto isnum if "%1"=="11" goto isnum if "%1"=="12" goto isnum if "%1"=="13" goto isnum if "%1"=="14" goto isnum if "%1"=="10" goto isnum if "%1"=="15" goto isnum if "%1"=="16" goto isnum if "%1"=="17" goto isnum if "%1"=="18" goto isnum if "%1"=="19" goto isnum if "%1"=="20" goto isnum if "%1"=="21" goto isnum if "%1"=="22" goto isnum if "%1"=="23" goto isnum if "%1"=="24" goto isnum if "%1"=="20" goto isnum if "%1"=="25" goto isnum if "%1"=="26" goto isnum if "%1"=="27" goto isnum if "%1"=="28" goto isnum if "%1"=="29" goto isnum if "%1"=="30" goto isnum goto oops :isnum if "%0"=="a" goto a if "%0"=="A" goto a if "%0"=="b" goto b if "%0"=="B" goto b if "%0"=="c" goto c if "%0"=="C" goto c if "%0"=="d" goto d if "%0"=="D" goto d if "%0"=="e" goto e if "%0"=="E" goto e if "%0"=="f" goto f if "%0"=="F" goto f if "%0"=="g" goto g if "%0"=="G" goto g rem if "%0"=="h" goto h rem if "%0"=="H" goto h cls echo !----------------------------------------------------------! rem echo ! There is no problem %0: SHOULD BE a,b,c,d,e,f,g OR h! echo ! There is no problem %0: SHOULD BE a,b,c,d,e,f OR g! echo !----------------------------------------------------------! goto done :oops cls echo !----------------------------------------------------------! echo ! You must provide ! echo ! a problem letter and team number no more than 30. ! echo ! For example to grade problem e by team 12 execute: ! echo ! j e 12 ! echo ! Try again ! echo !----------------------------------------------------------! goto done :a if exist a:\%2.c ..\judge\j2 a %2 c %1 if exist a:\%2.cpp ..\judge\j2 a %2 cpp %1 if exist a:\%2.java ..\judge\j2 a %2 java %1 goto nofile :b if exist a:\%3.c ..\judge\j2 b %3 c %1 if exist a:\%3.cpp ..\judge\j2 b %3 cpp %1 if exist a:\%3.java ..\judge\j2 b %3 java %1 goto nofile :c if exist a:\%4.c ..\judge\j2 c %4 c %1 if exist a:\%4.cpp ..\judge\j2 c %4 cpp %1 if exist a:\%4.java ..\judge\j2 c %4 java %1 goto nofile :d if exist a:\%5.c ..\judge\j2 d %5 c %1 if exist a:\%5.cpp ..\judge\j2 d %5 cpp %1 if exist a:\%5.java ..\judge\j2 d %5 java %1 goto nofile :e if exist a:\%6.c ..\judge\j2 e %6 c %1 if exist a:\%6.cpp ..\judge\j2 e %6 cpp %1 if exist a:\%6.java ..\judge\j2 e %6 java %1 goto nofile :f if exist a:\%7.c ..\judge\j2 f %7 c %1 if exist a:\%7.cpp ..\judge\j2 f %7 cpp %1 if exist a:\%7.java ..\judge\j2 f %7 java %1 :g if exist a:\%8.c ..\judge\j2 g %8 c %1 if exist a:\%8.cpp ..\judge\j2 g %8 cpp %1 if exist a:\%8.java ..\judge\j2 g %8 java %1 :h if exist a:\%9.c ..\judge\j2 h %9 c %1 if exist a:\%9.cpp ..\judge\j2 h %9 cpp %1 if exist a:\%9.java ..\judge\j2 h %9 java %1 :nofile cls echo !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! echo ! I can't find a source file for problem %0 Report a Submission Error. ! echo !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! goto done :norootmk echo Expect some file named rootmark.txt in parent directory of team directory goto wrongdir :expectj echo Expect j.cmd in the team directory. echo If it is missing, copy it from the judge directory. goto wrongdir :noj2 echo Are you in the judge directory by mistake? echo j2.cmd belongs in the judge directory, not the team directory. :wrongdir echo The current directory should be team echo when running the judging utility. echo Change your directory to the team directory and run j again. :done