@echo off rem vcpp.cmd compiles Visual C++ and C (See usage at the end.) rem The following set lines work on Loyola's VC++ 7.1: rem Alter the first line starting with "set" for your individual setup. if "%2z" == "z" goto usage if not "%3z" == "z" goto usage if not "%VCPPBASE%z" == "z" goto compile set VSNETBASE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 set VCPPBASE=%VSNETBASE%\Vc7 set path=%path%;%VCPPBASE%\Bin;%VSNETBASE%\Common7\IDE :compile "%VCPPBASE%\Bin\cl" /I"%VCPPBASE%\include" /I"%VCPPBASE%\ATLmfc\include" /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FD /GZ /c %1.%2 "%VCPPBASE%\Bin\link" %1.obj /nologo /LIBPATH:"%VCPPBASE%\lib" /subsystem:console goto end :usage echo Usage: echo vcpp filebase ext echo where ext is c or cpp echo as in echo vcpp myprog cpp echo to compile myprog.cpp and link myprog.obj into myprog.exe. :end