Notes on the Problem Set Last modified Oct 31 2004

We think the easiest problems are Speed Limit and Symmetric Order, followed by Flow Layout, Permutation Code, and Primary X-Subfactor Series. The hardest ones are Triangle Cuts and Ink Blots. We expect most teams to solve one or both of the easiest problems. Many teams will also solve one or more of the middle group. Few teams will conquer the hardest problems and hopefully at most one team solves them all.

Eric Shade wrote Primary X-Subfactor Series. Andy Harrington wrote Triangle Cuts and Ink Blots. John Cigas wrote Speed Limit, Symmetric Order, Flow Layout, and Permutation Code. Do you keep seeing the same names? Please submit a problem! See

P.S. Andy and John created the entire problem set this year. They came up with the basic idea for PXS, and I just fleshed it out and wrote it up for them because they were swamped. Special thanks to John for writing four problems, and special thanks to Andy for writing both of the hard problems, Ink Blots and Triangle Cuts, and creating the awesome judges' notes that accompany them. You can express your thanks by contributing a problem next year, or at least a good idea for one. --EDS