To use these to compile and run all judges programs under Windows: Copy all these .cmd files to the main mcpc20xx directory. Only run them from that directory. * sol2flop.cmd [directory] -- copies all judges' solutions to directory or a: if directory is not included. Then you can use the solutons to test correct execution with the grading utilities. If you are copying to a flashdrive on f:, enter sol2flop f: * solCompile.cmd -- compiles all judges' solutions automatically into individual problem directories. This uses compilesrc.cmd, which assumes javac.exe, java.exe, g++.exe and gcc.exe are in the execution path. You can adapt compilesrc.cmd if you need to. The solCompile step is is needed before the following: * solOut.cmd [fileSuffix] -- runs all solutions, allowing you to see if any take long on your system. If the fileSuffix is omitted, output goes to the screen. If the fileSuffix is specified, output goes to a file in the problem directory named by concatenating the problem name and the suffix. You must compile first with solCompile.