To-do list for coaches - 2009

  1. Review the problem set. Look for ambiguities and discrepancies. Contact the Regional Chief Judge to resolve issues.

  2. Review the two proposed changes for 2010, especially the change regarding input formatting. Please discuss this and have someone report back to John with any suggestions or comments.

  3. Volunteer!!

    We really need help with problem set creation. Ideally, we would have a team of 3 chief judges and several additional volunteers submitting problems each year. This year, we had only 2.7182 chief judges (which is clearly irrational) and one additional person submitting problem ideas.

    Here's what you can do to help (highest priority first)

    a) Volunteer for the Chief Judge team. The primary responsibilities are to

    1. Review the problem set each year for clarity and balance
    2. Write 1-3 problems/solutions
    3. Be available the day of the contest to answer questions

    b) Nominate someone else for the Chief Judge team. It could be a former student or a colleague who just needs a little nudging.

    c) Commit to writing a problem for the 2010 contest. Send in your pledge card  now saying you will work on a problem either over the winter holidays, spring break or the summer.

    While I'm saying this in a lighthearted tone, it really is important to increase participation in the production of this contest. The Mid Central Region isn't going to remain a viable entity without additional support from those closest to it. There is too much work for just a few people to do year after year.

    John Cigas
    ACM Mid Central Regional Director