/* Su-domino-ku, MCPC 2011 Problem D, Faster C++ solution by Michael Goldwasser */
  Rather than blindly checking consistency of the entire board in
  'legal', this method takes into account the location of the most
  recently added number, only checking those areas involving that
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std;

// resolving circular definitions
class Board;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Board& board);

class Board {
  vector<vector<int> > data;
  pair<int,int> opening;

  Board() {
    data.resize(9, vector<int>(9,0));
    opening = make_pair(0,0);

  bool operator==(const Board& other) {
    return data == other.data;

  bool operator<(const Board& other) {
    return data < other.data;

  int get(int r, int c) const { return data[r][c]; }

  void set(int r, int c, int v) {
    data[r][c] = v;
    pair<int,int> cur(r,c);
    if (v == 0) { // clearing
      if (opening == make_pair(-1,-1) || cur < opening)
        opening = cur;
    } else if (opening == cur) {
      while (r < 9 && data[r][c] != 0) {
        if (c == 9) {
          c = 0;
      if (r == 9) {
        r = -1; c = -1;
      opening = make_pair(r,c);

  // is current (partial) board legal thus far
  bool legal(int newR, int newC) const {
    std::set<int> check;

    // check row newR
    for (int c=0; c<9; c++) {
      int val = data[newR][c];
      if (val > 0 && !check.insert(val).second)
        return false;  

    // check column newC
    for (int r=0; r<9; r++) {
      int val = data[r][newC];
      if (val > 0 && !check.insert(val).second)
        return false;  

    // check appropriate square
    int s = newR / 3;
    int t = newC / 3;
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
      for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
        int val = data[3*s+i][3*t+j];
        if (val > 0 && !check.insert(val).second)
          return false;  
    return true;   // passed all tests

  pair<int,int> firstOpening() const {
    return opening;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Board& board) {
  for (int r=0; r<9; r++) {
    for (int c=0; c<9; c++) {
      if (board.get(r,c) > 0)
        out << board.get(r,c);
        out << '.';
    out << endl;
  return out;

Board minBoard,maxBoard;
bool foundSoln;
int recursions(0);

// all of this is premised on a,b being distinct from 1 to 9,
// so we really only use subset of inventory[12] to inventory[89].
bool inventory[90];

// assume inventory is up to date
void solve(Board& board) {

  pair<int,int> open = board.firstOpening();
  if (open.first == -1) {
    if (foundSoln) {
      if (board < minBoard) {
        minBoard = board;
      if (maxBoard < board) {
        maxBoard = board;
    } else {
      foundSoln = true;
      minBoard = maxBoard = board;
  } else {
    // fill first square with a domino
    for (int t=12; t<90; t++) {
      if (inventory[t]) {
        pair<int,int> tile = make_pair(t/10,t%10);
        // consider all placements of that tile covering first openingn
        for (int reverse=0; reverse<2; reverse++)
          for (int vertical=0; vertical<2; vertical++) {
            int rOther = open.first + (vertical ? 0 : 1);
            int cOther = open.second + (vertical ? 1 : 0);
            if (rOther < 9 && cOther < 9 && board.get(rOther,cOther) == 0) {
              board.set(open.first,open.second, reverse ? tile.second : tile.first);
              board.set(rOther,cOther, reverse ? tile.first : tile.second);

              if (board.legal(open.first,open.second) && board.legal(rOther,cOther)) {
                inventory[t] = false;
                inventory[t] = true;

int main(int argv, char** argc) {
  ifstream fin;
  if (argv > 1) {

  if (!fin.is_open()) {

  int puzCount(0);
  while (true) {
    int n;
    fin >> n;
    if (n==0) break;

    Board board;

    for (int k=12; k<90; k++)
      inventory[k] = false;
    for (int a=1; a < 9; a++)
      for (int b=a+1; b <= 9; b++)
        inventory[a*10 + b] = true;

    // read dominos
    int a,b;
    string locA,locB;
    for (int k=0; k<n; k++) {
      fin >> a >> locA >> b >> locB;
      board.set(locA[0]-'A',locA[1]-'1', a);
      board.set(locB[0]-'A',locB[1]-'1', b);
      inventory[10*min(a,b) + max(a,b)] = false;

    // read individual 1 to 9
    for (int k=1; k<=9; k++) {
      fin >> locA;
      board.set(locA[0]-'A',locA[1]-'1', k);

    // quick check to make sure starting configuration is not flawed
    bool consistent = true;
    for (int r=0; consistent && r<9; r++)
      for (int c=0; consistent && c<9; c++)
        if (!board.legal(r,c)) {
          consistent = false;
          cerr << "ERROR: flawed initial conditions" << endl;

    // time to fill the board
    foundSoln = false;
    if (consistent)

    // output results
    cout << "Puzzle " << ++puzCount << endl;
    if (foundSoln) {
      cout << minBoard;

      if (!(maxBoard == minBoard)) {
        cerr << "max lexicographic differs:" << endl;
        cerr << maxBoard;
    } else {
      cout << "impossible" << endl;
  cerr << "Total number of recursions was: " << recursions << endl;