Information for Site Directors Last modified Oct 23, 2013

The first rule is to contact the Regional Director ( whenever you have a question or problem. That's why I'm here.

Start early to get everything together: Look at the programming environment requirements, the schedule, and last year's contest materials. Also look at all the current documents, including the notes to judges.

Document Preparation. You must provide the following documents for the contest, in the quantities shown, if you are not using an online system like PC^2.  PC^2 provides substitutes for the documents followed by an asterisk (*). You must provide Site-Specific Instructions if necessary, as explained in the Notes to Sites. All other documents are available on this web site except the problems themselves.

Per Team. If not using an online system like PC^2, have more Clarification Request forms ready if teams need them, and fill out the team number and problem letter for each Judging Request form in advance.

Clarification Request*: 3
Error Messages: 1
Judging Request*: 1 per problem
Notes to Teams: 1
Problem Set: 3
Site-Specific Instructions (if any): 1

For The Judges As A Group. These are minimum quantities. Be ready to make more if the judges ask for them.

Accepted Solution Receipts*: 10
Error Messages: 3
Judging Log Sheet*: 1 per team
Sample Judging Log Sheet*: 1
Notes to Judges: 3
Notes to Sites: 3
Notes to Teams: 3
Site Log Sheet*: 1
Using the Judging Utilities*: 3
Problem Set: 3
Site-Specific Instructions (if any): 3