/* ACM Mid-Central Programming competition 2013 Problem D
solution by Andy Harrington
This is a Finite State Machine problem, where transitions between states
are determined by the next toss, H or T, each occuring with 1/2 probability.
Let a and b be the first and second patterns given.
Let pre be a list of all prefixes of a or b, including "" (empty string).
For each p in pre there is a state where p is longest element of pre which is
a suffix in the sequence of tosses so far. There are also terminal states for
a and b. The initial state is when p = "". I refer to the intermediate states
just by this longest p.
The successor state of p is one where the sequence of tosses ends with suffix p
followed by T or H, which I will write pH and pT.
Let longEndPre(s) be the longest suffix in s that is also an element of pre.
Then pH and pT could be a or b (terminal states), or the successor states for
pH and pT are intermediate states longEndPre(pH) and longEndPre(pT)
Let A be the event that a appears first in the tosses.
P(A | p) = .5 P(A | pH) + .5 P(A | pT)
or with integer coefficients
2 P(A | p) = P(A | pH) + P(A | pT)
P(A | a) = 1, P(A | b) = 0
This generates a linear system of the probabilities for the different states
in pre. The terminal states give values for the constant terms.
Note that each equation has at most 3 nonzero coeficients or constants,
2, 1, or -1, and in most cases one reference is to a very short prefix,
so most variables have only 2 references.
This sparseness allows solution for P(A | "") by simple determinant quotient,
all in integer arithmetic, with on the order of 2^(2n) steps, which is
under a million with the constraints on n.
The final answer merely needs to be reduced to lowest terms using gcd.
Alternately linear system row reduction could be used, but with
long arithmetic, not double. (See paradoxGauss.java) The C++ version
uses similar equations, but solves by variable substitution, using
rational arithmetic.
Simple Monte Carlo testing can check that the answer is approximately correct,
but the standard deviation of the Monte Carlo sample is proportional to
and the difference betwee adjacent fractions is of the order of 1/denom^2,
so to be close to dependably accurate as a replacemnt to direct solution,
the number of repetitions would need to be O(denom^4) and there will be
denominators on the order of 2^n. Also it is likely to take a string
of tosses of length about 2^n to reach one of the given strings.
With n=9, this means on the order of 2^45 steps to get close:
not feasible.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
public class paradox
static char[] HT = {'H', 'T'};
static String a, b, // first and second given strings
C = "C"; // search key for constant side of equation
static List<String> pre, // all prefixes in a, b
aug; // for augmented matrix with keys pre + C
static int n, // a, b length
pn; // pre length
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String file = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "paradox.in";
Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(file));
a = in.next();
while (!a.equals("$")) {
b= in.next();
n = a.length();
pre = new ArrayList<String>();
addPre(a); addPre(b);
pn = pre.size();
aug = new ArrayList<String>(pre);
aug.add(C); // augmented to label constant term.
int[][] m = makeSys(); // augmented matrix from linear system
int denom = det(m);
m[0] = m[pn]; // to solve for first variable, replace variable
int num = det(m);// coefficients with constants, take det
judgeCheck(num, denom); // judge
num = abs(num); // probability positive
denom = abs(denom);
int f = gcd(num, denom);
num /= f;
denom /= f;
System.out.println(num + "/" + denom);
a = in.next();
judgeWrapup(); // judge
static void addPre(String s) { // Add to pre all new prefixes of s
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { // empty string *first* in this version
String p = s.substring(0, i);
if (!pre.contains(p))
static void mInc(int[][] m, String q, String p, int val) { // increment m
m[aug.indexOf(q)][pre.indexOf(p)] += val; // in location for p and q
static int[][] makeSys() { //create the linear system, including constants
int[][] m = new int[pn+1][pn]; // all 0, transposed from usual way
for (String p: pre) {
mInc(m, p, p, 2);
for (char ch: HT) {
String x = p+ch;
if (x.equals(a))
mInc(m, C, p, 1);
else if (!x.equals(b))
mInc(m, longEndPre(x), p, -1);
showMat(m); // judge display
return m;
static String longEndPre(String s) {
//return longest p in pre which is a suffix in s.
for (int i=0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (pre.contains(s.substring(i)))
return s.substring(i);
return "";
static int det(int[][] m) {
//return determinant of square first part of augmented matrix m
int size = m[0].length; // assume #rows >= row size
int[] perm = new int[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) // initial identity permutaion
perm[i] = i;
return detRec(m, size, perm);
static int detRec(int[][] m, int k, int[] perm) {
//return the determinant of matrix m[i][perm[j]] for i, j < k
if (k == 1)
return m[0][perm[0]];
int tot = 0;
int[] vlast = m[k-1];
int plast = perm[k-1];
for (int j=0; j < k-1; j++) { // swap last perm index
int ptemp = perm[j];
if (vlast[ptemp] != 0) { // ? check with this speedup and below omitted
perm[j] = plast;
tot -= vlast[ptemp]*detRec(m, k-1, perm); // odd inversions: -
maxCalc = max(maxCalc, abs(tot));
perm[j] = ptemp; //undo change made for recursive call
if (vlast[plast] != 0) // leave last in place, no inversions: +
tot += vlast[plast]*detRec(m, k-1, perm);
maxCalc = max(maxCalc, abs(tot));
return tot;
static int gcd(int x, int y) {
if (y == 0) return x;
return gcd(y, x % y);
///////// Judge Testing Below ///////////////////////////////////
static int MAXLEN = 9, MAXSETS = 20, totSets = 0;
static boolean debug= false, //with true: lots of output to System.err
doMonte = false; //with true: time-consuming Monte Carlo
static int monteCarloRep = 10000; // not very accurate, but not too int
static Random rand = new Random();
static int maxCalc = 0;
static void judgeCheck(int num, long denom) {
if (totSets > MAXSETS)
System.err.println("Too many datasets");
if (n > 9)
System.err.println("string too long");
if (n != b.length())
System.err.println("string lengths do not match");
if (a.equals(b))
System.err.println("strings same!");
show(String.format("n: %d, a: %s, b: %s", n , a, b));
if (doMonte || debug)
System.err.format("num %s denom %s%n", num, denom);
if(doMonte) {
int tot = 0;
for (int i=0; i<monteCarloRep; i++)
if (winner())
tot += 1;
double diff = (double)tot/monteCarloRep - (double)num/denom;
System.err.format("MonteCarlo diff %s%n", diff);
static void judgeWrapup() {
show("MaxCalc: " + maxCalc);
static boolean winner() {
int count = 0;
String tail = "";
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
tail += ((1 == rand.nextInt(2)) ? 'H' : 'T');
while(true) {
if (tail.equals(a)) return true;
if (tail.equals(b)) return false;
tail = tail.substring(1) + (1 == rand.nextInt(2) ? 'H' : 'T');
static void sho(String s) {
if (debug) System.err.print(s);
static void show(String s) {
static void showMat(int[][] m)
int j = 0;
for (int[] r:m) {
for (int i: r)
sho(String.format("%2d ", i));