// hunt.cpp
// The Leprechaun Hunt, MCPC 2014, Problem D
// C++ version by Michael Goldwasser

  This implementation uses backward reasoning, with caching to detect
  known states.  It begins by examining all possible states in which
  the villagers have caught the leprechaun (i.e. villagers win in 0
  plies). Then it finds all states in which all of the leprechauns
  moves lead to a final state (i.e., villagers win in 1 plies), then
  all states in which the villager can reach such a state (i.e.,
  villagers win in 2 plies), and so on, until finding the best winning
  start state, or until exhausting all possibilities.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#define MAX_N 15
#define MAX_E 45
#define MAX_DEG 6
#define MAX_V 7
#define LOG_N 4   // number of bits needed to encode node

int DEBUG = 0;

// store input information globally
int V;  // number of villagers
int N;  // number of nodes
int E;  // number of edges
vector<vector<int> > adj;   // adj[k] is a vector of k's neighbors

typedef long long StateCode;

struct State {
    bool villagerTurn;
    int leprechaun;
    set<int> villagers;

    State() { }

    // produce integer encoding for state
    const static StateCode MASK = (1L << LOG_N) - 1;
    StateCode code() const {
        // Encode game state. Least significant bit denotes turn (1=villagers).
        // Next LOG_N bits denote leprechaun's node; then LOG_N bits per villager.
        StateCode s = villagerTurn;
        s |= (leprechaun << 1);
        int offset = 1+LOG_N;
        for (set<int>::const_iterator it = villagers.begin();
             it != villagers.end(); ++it) {
            s |= ( ((StateCode) *it) << offset);
            offset += LOG_N;
        return s;

    // reconstruct state from code
    State(StateCode c) {
        villagerTurn = (c % 2 == 1);
        leprechaun = (c >> 1) & MASK;
        for (int j=0; j<V; j++)
            villagers.insert((c >> (1+LOG_N*(1+j))) & MASK);

        if (code() != c) {
            cerr << "INVALID RECONSTRUCTION" << endl;
            cerr << c << endl;
            cerr << code() << endl;
            cerr << toString() << endl;

    vector<State> neighbors() const {
        vector<State> nbrs;
        State copy(*this);
        copy.villagerTurn = !villagerTurn;
        if (villagerTurn) {
            for (set<int>::const_iterator it = villagers.begin();
                 it != villagers.end(); ++it) {
                int cur = *it;                                        // consider moving villager *it.
                for (int j=0; j < adj[cur].size(); j++) {
                    if (copy.villagers.insert(adj[cur][j]).second) {  // not already occupied
        } else {  // leprechaun turn
            if (leprechaun != N)
                nbrs.push_back(copy);  // allowed to stay put (except on fake first move)
            for (int j=0; j < adj[leprechaun].size(); j++) {
                if (copy.villagers.count(adj[leprechaun][j]) == 0) {
                    copy.leprechaun = adj[leprechaun][j];
        return nbrs;

    string toString() const {
        string result;
        result += ((char) ('A' + leprechaun));
        result += ',';
        for (set<int>::const_iterator it = villagers.begin();
             it != villagers.end(); ++it) {
            result += ((char) ('A' + *it));
        result += " (";
        result += (villagerTurn ? "villager" : "leprechaun");
        result += " to move)";
        return result;

// Recursively find all (N choose V) placements of villages on the graph
void generateVillagerPlacements(vector<State>& result, State& model) {
    if (model.villagers.size() == V) {
    } else {
        int next = (model.villagers.empty() ? 0 : 1 + *(model.villagers.rbegin()));
        for (int j=next; j < N; j++) {
            generateVillagerPlacements(result, model);

map<StateCode,int> win;    // win[s] = k means that villagers win after k plies from s

// return true if every leprechaun move from s leads to known state with wen < plies
bool trapped(const State& s, int plies) {
    if (DEBUG > 2)
        cerr << "  testing trapped for " << s.toString() << " " << plies << endl;
    vector<State> options = s.neighbors();
    for (int j=0; j < options.size(); j++) {
        StateCode code = options[j].code();
        if (win.find(code) == win.end() || win[code] >= plies)
            return false;
    if (DEBUG > 2)
        cerr << "   TRAPPED is true" << endl;
    return true;

int analyze() {
    // start by finding potential win[0] candidates
    set<StateCode> fringe;
    vector<State> placements;
    State model;
    model.villagerTurn = false;
    model.leprechaun = 0;
    generateVillagerPlacements(placements, model);
    for (int j=0; j < placements.size(); j++) {
        State& s(placements[j]);
        for (set<int>::const_iterator it = s.villagers.begin();
             it != s.villagers.end(); ++it) {
            s.leprechaun = *it;
            StateCode code = s.code();
            win[code] = 0;

    int plies = 0;  
    while (!fringe.empty()) {
        plies++;                 // everything in fringe has win < plies
        set<StateCode> newFringe;
        for (set<StateCode>::const_iterator it = fringe.begin(); it != fringe.end(); ++it) {
            State s(*it);  // reconstruct state from code

            if (DEBUG > 1)
                cerr << "win = " << win[*it] << " for " << s.toString() << endl;

            s.villagerTurn = !s.villagerTurn;  // FAKE to analyze reverse moves
            if (s.villagerTurn) {
                // consider villagers' previous move
                vector<State> nbrs = s.neighbors();
                for (int j=0; j < nbrs.size(); j++) {
                    nbrs[j].villagerTurn = true;
                    StateCode code = nbrs[j].code();
                    if (DEBUG > 3) cerr << "  Considering " << nbrs[j].toString() << endl;
                    if (win.find(code) == win.end()) {
                        if (DEBUG > 2) cerr << "  Adding to fringe " << nbrs[j].toString() << endl;
                        win[code] = plies;
            } else {
                // consider leprechaun's previous move (including possible N)
                State special(s);
                special.leprechaun = N;
                if (DEBUG > 2) cerr << "  Considering special " << special.toString() << endl;
                if (trapped(special, plies)) {
                    if (DEBUG > 0) cerr << "Winning initial state " << special.toString() << endl;
                    return plies-1;         // found a winning initial state!!!!
                vector<State> nbrs = s.neighbors();
                for (int j=0; j < nbrs.size(); j++) {
                    nbrs[j].villagerTurn = false;
                    StateCode code = nbrs[j].code();
                    if (DEBUG > 3) cerr << "  Considering " << nbrs[j].toString() << endl;
                    if (win.find(code) == win.end())
                        if (trapped(nbrs[j], plies)) {
                            if (DEBUG > 2) cerr << "  Adding to fringe " << nbrs[j].toString() << endl;
                            win[code] = plies;

    return -1;  // if fringe became empty, no winning strategy exists

int main(int argv, char** argc) {
    ifstream fin((argv == 1) ? "hunt.in" : argc[1]);
    if (argv > 2) DEBUG = atoi(argc[2]);
    int trial=0;
    while (true) {
        fin >> V;
        if (V == 0) break;
        fin >> N >> E;
        for (int j=0; j < E; j++) {
            string edge;
            fin >> edge;
            int u(edge[0]-'A'), v(edge[1]-'A');
        // fictitious node N is used as sentinel start node for leprechaun
        for (int u=0; u<N; u++)

        int plies = analyze();
        if (DEBUG > 0) cerr << "Solved " << win.size() << " states" << endl;
        cout << "CASE " << trial << ": ";
        if (plies == -1)
            cout << "NEVER" << endl;
            cout << (1+plies)/2 << endl;   // count rounds, not plies