@echo off rem j2 problemLetter problemName sourceExt team# srcDrive rem called from j1.cmd after source file found rem 2005 version with srcDrive and problem output to stdout cls echo Found lettered problem %1: %2.%3 of team %4 on drive %5 echo Copying source file from team diskette... copy %5\%2.%3 . echo !----------------------------------------------------------! echo ! Done copying. Remove the team's media from the drive. ! echo !----------------------------------------------------------! pause cls rem back up source file under a unique name call ..\judge\nextback %4%1 %2 %3 echo Compiling %2.%3 ... if "%3"=="c" goto do_c if "%3"=="cpp" goto do_cpp if "%3"=="java" goto do_java echo I don't know how to compile %2.%3: this shouldn't happen. goto done :do_c gcc -o %2.exe %2.c goto check :do_cpp g++ -o %2.exe %2.cpp goto check :do_java javac %2.java :check echo !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! echo ! If it didn't compile, press Ctrl-C now and report a Submission Error. ! echo !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! pause cls echo Running program... copy ..\%2\%2.in . if "%3"=="java" goto run_java rem new for 2005: standard output redirected .\%2 > %2.out goto done_run :run_java rem new for 2005: standard output redirected java %2 > %2.out :done_run echo !----------------------------------------------------------------------! echo ! Done running program... ! echo ! If the program crashed or took more than your site's time limit, ! echo ! press Ctrl-C now. ! echo ! Otherwise, I'll compare the team's output with the correct output. ! echo !----------------------------------------------------------------------! pause cls fc %2.out ..\%2\%2.out if errorlevel 1 goto preschk echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! echo ! Success on problem %1 for team %4! ! echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goto done :preschk echo !---------------------------------------------------------------------! echo ! Files did not match: ! echo ! You must check for presentation errors vs wrong answer. ! echo ! See the popup file comparison window. ! echo ! ! echo ! Was it a wrong answer or a presentation error? ! echo ! Record the results for problem %1 for team %4. ! echo !---------------------------------------------------------------------! ..\judge\KDiff3 %2.out ..\%2\%2.out :done