import*; import java.util.*; public class LineOfSight { public static void main(String[] argv){ Scanner in = new Scanner(; java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance(); f.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); f.setGroupingUsed(false); double hx1 = in.nextDouble(); double hx2 = in.nextDouble(); double hy = in.nextDouble(); while(hx1!=0&&hx2!=0&&hy!=0){ double rx1 = in.nextDouble(); double rx2 = in.nextDouble(); double ry = in.nextDouble(); if(ry >=hy) System.err.println("Road above house?"); int nObs=in.nextInt(); Set obsSet = new HashSet(); for(int i=0;i= hy || o.y <= ry) continue; o.blockx1 = hx2 - ((hx2-o.x1)/(hy-o.y))*(hy-ry); o.blockx2 = hx1 - ((hx1-o.x2)/(hy-o.y))*(hy-ry); if(o.blockx1 < rx1) o.blockx1 = rx1; if(o.blockx1 > rx2) o.blockx1 = rx2; if(o.blockx2 < rx1) o.blockx2 = rx1; if(o.blockx2 > rx2) o.blockx2 = rx2; System.err.println("obstructs "+o.blockx1+" to "+o.blockx2); obsSet.add(o); } // find min start block Obstruct curOb = findNextBlock(rx1, obsSet); double maxLen; if(curOb == null) maxLen = rx2-rx1; else{ maxLen = curOb.blockx1 - rx1; // go to end of min and search for next already or start block Obstruct nextOb; while((nextOb = findNextBlock(curOb.blockx2, obsSet)) != null){ double nextLen = nextOb.blockx1 - curOb.blockx2; if(nextLen > maxLen) maxLen = nextLen; curOb = nextOb; } if(curOb.blockx2 < rx2){ double nextLen = rx2 - curOb.blockx2; if(nextLen > maxLen) maxLen = nextLen; } } if(maxLen == 0) System.out.println("No View"); else System.out.println(f.format(maxLen)); hx1 = in.nextDouble(); hx2 = in.nextDouble(); hy = in.nextDouble(); } } static Obstruct findNextBlock(double start, Set os){ double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE; Obstruct minO = null; for(Obstruct o : os){ // if start still to left of right point of obstruction if(o.blockx2 > start){ // find the minimum if(o.blockx1 < minX){ minX = o.blockx1; minO = o; } } } return minO; } } class Obstruct { double x1; double x2; double y; double blockx1; double blockx2; }