The quick brown foxes jump over the lazy yellow dogs. *** The quick brown foxe jump over the lazy yellow dog. *** THE QUICK BROWN FOXE JUMP OVER THE LAZY YELLOW DOG. *** The quick brown foxe jump-over the lazy yellow dog. The quick brown foxe jump_over the lazy yellow dog. The quick brown foxe jump1over the lazy yellow dog. *** The quick brown foxe jump over the lazy yellow dog. They did it to get to the strawberry, cherry, and apple. I wish they had left some for the py. *** a b ba bb baa bab bba bbb baaa baab baba babb bbaa bbab bbba bbbb *** a b bzay bzby bzaay bazby bzbay bbzby bazaay bazaby bazbay bazbby bbzaay bbzaby bbzbay bbzbby *** // From an early draft of the problem: // // Try to gues the stem form of an English word by apply // the followe rules: (# and % stand for any consonant, and // @ for any vowel [aeiou]. // // ies y fly => fly // ied y carry => carry // ier y merry => merry // iest y merry => merry // ##ed # hitt => hit // ##ing # hitt => hit // ##er # hitt => hit // ##est # hott => hot // %@#ed %@#e glide => glide // %@#ing %@#e glide => glide // %@#er %@#e glide => glide // %@#est %@#e pal => pale // #ed # bark => bark // #ing # boil => boil // #er # cold => cold // #est # cold => cold // #s # thing => th 12345 !@#$% *** The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy yellow dogs. They did it to get to the strawberries, cherries, and apples. I wish they had left some for the pies. *** The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy yellow dogs. They did it to get to the strawberries, cherries, and apples. I wish they had left some for the pies. A Bx Cx dx e fx *** The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy yellow dogs. They did it to get to the strawberries, cherries, and apples. Iz wish they had left some for the pies. Az B C d ez f *** The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy yellow dogs. They did it to get to the strawberries, cherries, and apples. Iz wish they had left some for the pies. A B C d e f G H iz *** Thz quick brown foxes jumped over thz lazy yellow dogs. They did it to get to thz strawberries, cherries, and apples. I wish they had left somz for thz pies. A B C d e f G H i *** xThe qquick qbrown zfoxes zjumped zover xthe qlazy zyellow qdogs. zThey zdid qit xto zget xto xthe zstrawberries, zcherries, qand zapples. I qwish zthey zhad qleft xsome zfor xthe zpies. A B C d e f G H i *** a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa q aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaabaaaaaaaaaa aaaabaaaaaaaaaaa aaaabaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *** a ab abc abcd abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefchij abcdefchijk abcdefchijkl *** a ab abc abcd abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefchij abcdefchijk abcdefchijkl ***