import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; /** * Solution to Banjo * * @author vanb */ public class banjo_vanb { public Scanner sc; public PrintStream ps; public static final double EPSILON = 0.000000001; public static final double TWOPI = Math.PI+Math.PI; public static final int STEP = 3; public double xA, yA, xB, yB, xC, yC, r, t; public double loA, hiA, loB, hiB; public double aCA, aCB, at; public double dAB, dAC, dBC; /** * Get an angle from a triangle where all three side lengths are known. * * Law of Cosines sez: c*c = a*a + b*b - 2*a*b*cos(theta) * * Solving for theta gives: * theta = arccos( (a*a + b*b - c*c) / (2*a*b) ) * * @param a Length of a side adjacent to the angle * @param b Length of the other side adjacent to the angle * @param c Length of the side opposite the angle * @return Angle between a and (opposite c) */ public static double angle( double a, double b, double c ) { return Math.acos( (a*a+b*b-c*c)/(2.0*a*b) ); } /** * Get a length of a side from a triangle where two side lengths are known, * and the angle between them. * * Law of Cosines sez: c*c = a*a + b*b - 2*a*b*cos(theta) * * Solving for c gives: * c = sqrt( (a*a + b*b - 2*a*b*cos(theta) ) * * @param a Length of a side adjacent to the angle * @param b Length of the other side adjacent to the angle * @param theta Angle between a and b * @return Length of side c, opposite angle theta */ public static double length( double a, double b, double theta ) { return Math.sqrt( a*a+b*b-2.0*a*b*Math.cos(theta) ); } /** * Make sure an angle is between 0 and 2pi. * * @param angle An angle * @return The same angle, but between 0 and 2pi */ public static double positive( double angle ) { while( angle<0.0 ) angle += TWOPI; while( angle>=TWOPI ) angle -= TWOPI; return angle; } /** * Normalize an angle to be between 0 and pi. Any two rays * starting from the same point that aren't collinear * form 2 angles, one pi. We want the one Math.PI ) angle = TWOPI - angle; return angle; } /** * The amount of time banjo spends walking on lava to * traverse an arc of angle 'angle', where 'at' is the angle of * the arc he can cut off which each length-t chord. * * @param angle Angle Banjo needs to traverse * @return Distance covered over lava */ public double lava( double angle ) { double distance = 0.0; if( t==0 ) { // Special case - if t=0, Banjo just walks along the perimeter of the circle. distance = r * angle; } else { double ts = Math.floor( angle/at ); distance = ts*t + length( r, r, angle-ts*at ); } return distance; } /** * This interface defines a function to be minimized by the minimize() method. * * @author vanb */ public interface Function { /** * Function to be minimized. * * @param x Meaning of parameters varies. * @param y Meaning of parameters varies. * @return Evaluation of function */ public double f( double x, double y ); } /** * Function to minimize when looking at B angles. * * @author vanb */ public class MinB implements Function { /** * This is the distance Banjo must travel * if the A angle is x, and the B angle is y. * * @param x A angle * @paray y B angle */ public double f( double x, double y ) { return length( r, dAC, normalize(x-aCA) ) + length( r, dBC, normalize(y-aCB) ) + lava( normalize(y-x) ); } } public MinB minb = new MinB(); /** * Function to minimize when looking at A angles * * @author vanb */ public class MinA implements Function { /** * This is the minimum distance Banjo must travel * if the A angle is y. * * @param x Unused * @param y A angle */ public double f( double x, double y ) { return minimize( loB, hiB, y, minb ); } } public MinA mina = new MinA(); /** * Minimize a function within a range. * * @param lo One end of the range * @param hi The other end of the range * @param x A fixed parameter * @param fun Function to minimize * @return Minimum value of the function in the range */ public double minimize( double lo, double hi, double x, Function fun ) { double minimum = Double.MAX_VALUE; while( Math.abs(hi-lo)>EPSILON ) { // Chop the interval into STEP subintervals double increment = (hi-lo)/(double)STEP; minimum = Double.MAX_VALUE; int where = 0; for( int i=0; i<=STEP; i++ ) { double y = lo + i*increment; double v = fun.f(x,y); if( v1 ) lo = lo+(where-1)*increment; } return minimum; } /** * Driver. * @throws Exception */ public void doit() throws Exception { sc = new Scanner( new File( "" ) ); ps = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "banjo.vanb" ) ); for(;;) { xA = sc.nextInt(); yA = sc.nextInt(); xB = sc.nextInt(); yB = sc.nextInt(); xC = sc.nextInt(); yC = sc.nextInt(); r = sc.nextInt(); t = sc.nextInt(); if( r<0.5) break; double mindist = -1.0; // Distances dAB = Math.hypot( yB-yA, xB-xA ); dAC = Math.hypot( yC-yA, xC-xA ); dBC = Math.hypot( yC-yB, xC-xB ); // Let's check to see if we can get from A to B directly. // First, do we bypass the circle entirely? // Are the points A, B and C on a straight line, with C *NOT* between A and B? if( Math.abs( dAB + dBC - dAC ) < EPSILON ) mindist = dAB; else if( Math.abs( dAB + dAC - dBC ) < EPSILON ) mindist = dAB; else if( Math.abs( dAC + dBC - dAB ) < EPSILON ) // Line AB goes through C { if(r+r=r || dAP>dAB || dBP>dAB ) mindist = dAB; else { // Is the distance we cross less than t? double cross = 2.0*Math.sqrt( r*r-dCP*dCP ); if( cross Math.PI ) { double t = loA; loA = hiA; hiA = t; } if( hiA>loA && hiA-loA > Math.PI ) loA += TWOPI; if( hiA Math.PI ) hiA += TWOPI; // Same for B loB = aCB; diff = positive( Math.acos( r / dBC ) ); up = positive( loB+diff ); dn = positive( loB-diff ); hiB = ( normalize(diffA-up) < normalize(diffA-dn) ) ? up : dn; if( positive(hiB-loB) > Math.PI ) { double t = loB; loB = hiB; hiB = t; } if( hiB>loB && hiB-loB > Math.PI ) loB += TWOPI; if( hiB Math.PI ) hiB += TWOPI; mindist = minimize( loA, hiA, 0.0, mina ); } ps.printf( "%.2f", mindist ); ps.println(); String answer = String.format( "%.5f", mindist ); if( answer.endsWith( "499" ) || answer.endsWith( "500" ) ) { System.err.println( "Too close to cusp!! " + mindist ); } } } /** * @param args */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { //long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); new banjo_vanb().doit(); //System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() - start ); } }