import java.util.*; /* * Problem: Mod Mod Mod (NAIPC19) * Author: Alex Coleman * Complexity: O(c*min(log(p),log(q))) * * Instead of solving for the sums of mods, we solve for * f(p,q,n) = sum of floor((p*i)/q) for i=0..n, and find a recurrence * by instead summing across the value of floor((p*i)/q), and taking i*frequency(i) * s.t. f(p,q,n) = O(1) formula in terms of f(q,p,n) * Additionally, if p > q, we can reduce p to p%q with O(1) work * Thus our complexity is the same as euclidean, log(p) or log(q) * Given f(p,q,n), the original problem can be solved with a simple O(1) formula */ public class ModModMod_arc { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int c = in.nextInt(); while (c --> 0) { long p = in.nextInt(), q = in.nextInt(), n = in.nextInt(); long gcd = gcd(p, q); System.out.println(n*(n+1)/2*p - q*f(p/gcd, q/gcd, n)); } } static long gcd(long a, long b) { return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a%b); } static long f(long p, long q, long n) { long ans = n*(n+1)/2 * (p/q); p %= q; if (p != 0) { long N = (p*n)/q; ans += n * N - f(q, p, N) + N/p; } return ans; } }