import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; public class Alex_PathCompression_Scanner{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new Alex_PathCompression_Scanner().main(); } // greatest common divisor long gcd(long a, long b){ if(b != 0)return gcd(b, a % b); return a; } long x[]; // positions int next_[]; // next possible index after shooting on the current index and recharging int gNext[]; // next position to shoot at - for implementation of path compression boolean removed[]; // specifies whether this target is already eliminated int FUNCCALLS = 0; // just counts number of getNext-function calls - for debugging // getNext returns the id of the next target, which should be eliminated // it uses path compression int getNext(int n){ ++FUNCCALLS; if(removed[n]){ return gNext[n] = getNext(gNext[n]); } return n; } int N, P, R; int main() { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; N = scan.nextInt(); P = scan.nextInt(); R = scan.nextInt(); x = new long[N]; next_ = new int[N]; gNext = new int[N]; removed = new boolean[N]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ x[i] = scan.nextInt(); } Arrays.sort(x); // calculate next possible position if recharging long toGo = (R) % P; boolean fliped = false; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ next_[i] = (i>0?next_[i-1]:1); if(!fliped){ while(next_[i] < N && x[next_[i]] < x[i] + toGo)++next_[i]; } if(next_[i] == N){ next_[i] = 0; fliped = true; } if(fliped) { while(x[next_[i]] + P < x[i] + toGo)++next_[i]; } } long MINDIST = (1L<<60); long MAXDIST = 0; long AVERAGE = 0; long RUNS = 0; // try all possible starts once long laststart = x[(int) N-1] - P; for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){ if(x[j] != laststart){ // calculate values for current start if not already done // initialize removed and gNext for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) removed[i] = false; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) gNext[i] = (i+1); gNext[N-1] = 0; long DIST = R; // represents the time since this test run has started // DIST is initially R as it counts storing the initial bag int cur = j; // current index removed[cur] = true; // initial target is destroyed for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) { int n = next_[cur]; // next possible index after recharging n = getNext(n); // next possible index which is not already removed // calculate the waiting time to shoot at the next target long dist = x[n] - x[cur]; toGo = R - dist; dist += ((toGo + P - 1) / P) * P; // do not forget the full cycles such recharging is finished // update distance and remove next object DIST += dist; cur = n; removed[n] = true; } // update result values long mult = x[j] - laststart; MINDIST = Math.min(MINDIST, DIST); MAXDIST = Math.max(MAXDIST, DIST + mult - 1); AVERAGE += DIST * mult; AVERAGE += (mult * (mult - 1)) / 2; RUNS += mult; laststart = x[j]; } } long gc = gcd(AVERAGE, RUNS); AVERAGE /= gc; RUNS /= gc; System.out.println(MINDIST); System.out.println(MAXDIST); System.out.println(AVERAGE + "/" + RUNS); return 0; } }