import java.util.*; import*; public class jeroen { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Read input BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int n = Integer.valueOf(in.readLine()); int[] s = new int[n]; int[] t = new int[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String[] ps = in.readLine().split(" "); s[i] = Integer.valueOf(ps[0]); t[i] = Integer.valueOf(ps[1]); } //. Solve two dimensions separately System.out.println(solve1(s) + solve1(t)); } public static double solve1(int[] xs) { // Work from left to right, add new segments every // time, but if they need to go to the left of the // previous on we merge them. Stack segs = new Stack(); for(int x : xs) { Segment next = new Segment(x); while(!segs.isEmpty() && segs.peek().getPlacement() > next.getPlacement()) { next.addSegment(segs.pop()); } segs.push(next); } // Now add all costs double ret = 0; for(Segment seg : segs) ret += seg.getCosts(); return ret; } } class Segment { // Represents a segment from i - j, where we can in constant // time compute the placement position (mean of the elements) // as well as the cost for that. // Let p be the placement position of all points in this segment // Cost = Sum_i (x[i] - p)^2 = Sum_i x[i]^2 - 2 * p * x[i] + p^2 // = Sum_i x[i]^2 - 2 * p * Sum_i x[i] + n * p^2 public long sum_x; public long sum_x2; public long len; public Segment(int x) { sum_x = x; sum_x2 = (long)x * x; len = 1; } public void addSegment(Segment other) { sum_x += other.sum_x; sum_x2 += other.sum_x2; len += other.len; } public double getPlacement() { return (double)sum_x / (double)len; } public double getCosts() { double p = getPlacement(); return sum_x2 - 2 * p * sum_x + len * p * p; } }