import java.util.*; import*; public class jeroen_sort_once { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boolean visualize = (args.length > 0 && "visualize".equals(args[0])); // Read input BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String a = in.readLine(); String b = in.readLine(); // Parse to a tree Expr ea = parse(a); Expr eb = parse(b); if (visualize) { System.out.println("digraph G {"); ea.visualize(); eb.visualize(); } //System.err.println(ea); //System.err.println(eb); // Evaluate twice, with shuffle being either sort or reverse sort // When both lead to the same list, the shuffles are the same int[] eaEval1 = eval(ea, false); int[] ebEval1 = eval(eb, false); int[] eaEval2 = eval(ea, true); int[] ebEval2 = eval(eb, true); boolean match1 = Arrays.equals(eaEval1, ebEval1); boolean match2 = Arrays.equals(eaEval2, ebEval2); boolean match = match1 && match2; if (visualize) { System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(eaEval1) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(ea) + ";"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(eaEval2) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(ea) + ";"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(ebEval1) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(eb) + ";"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(ebEval2) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(eb) + ";"); String color1 = match1 ? "limegreen" : "orange"; String color2 = match2 ? "limegreen" : "orange"; System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(eaEval1) + "[label=\"" + arrayAbbrev(eaEval1) + "\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=" + color1 + "]"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(eaEval2) + "[label=\"" + arrayAbbrev(eaEval2) + "\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=" + color2 + "]"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(ebEval1) + "[label=\"" + arrayAbbrev(ebEval1) + "\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=" + color1 + "]"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(ebEval2) + "[label=\"" + arrayAbbrev(ebEval2) + "\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=" + color2 + "]"); System.out.println("}"); } else { System.out.println(match ? "equal" : "not equal"); } } public static String arrayAbbrev(int[] arr) { String ret = "["; if (arr.length < 12) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i != 0) ret += ", "; ret += arr[i]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i != 0) ret += ", "; ret += arr[i]; } ret += ", ..."; for (int i = arr.length - 5; i < arr.length; i++) { ret += ", " + arr[i]; } } return ret + "]"; } public static int[] eval(Expr e, boolean shuffleReverse) { int len = e.length(); int[] res = new int[len]; e.eval(res, 0, shuffleReverse, false); return res; } public static Expr parse(String s) { parseS = s; parseI = 0; return parseExpr(); } private static String parseS; private static int parseI; private static Expr parseExpr() { switch(parseS.charAt(parseI)) { case '[': return parseLst(); case 'c': return parseConcat(); case 's': if(parseS.charAt(parseI+1) == 'h') return parseShuffle(); if(parseS.charAt(parseI+1) == 'o') return parseSorted(); } // nooo :( System.out.println("nooo"); return null; } private static int parseInt() { int num = 0; do { num *= 10; num += parseS.charAt(parseI) - '0'; parseI++; } while('0' <= parseS.charAt(parseI) && parseS.charAt(parseI) <= '9'); return num; } private static Expr parseLst() { List nums = new ArrayList(); while(parseS.charAt(parseI) != ']') { parseI++; nums.add(parseInt()); } parseI++; return new Lst(nums); } private static Expr parseConcat() { parseI += 7; Expr a = parseExpr(); parseI++; Expr b = parseExpr(); parseI++; return new Concat(a, b); } private static Expr parseShuffle() { parseI += 8; Expr a = parseExpr(); parseI++; return new Shuffle(a); } private static Expr parseSorted() { parseI += 7; Expr a = parseExpr(); parseI++; return new Sorted(a); } } interface Expr { public void eval(int[] res, int i, boolean shuffleReverse, boolean sortedLater); public void visualize(); public int length(); } class Lst implements Expr { private List nums; public Lst(List nums) { this.nums = nums; } public void eval(int[] res, int i, boolean shuffleReverse, boolean sortedLater) { for(int x : nums) res[i++] = x; } public int length() { return nums.size(); } public String toString() { return nums.toString(); } public void visualize() { System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + "[label=\"" + jeroen_sort_once.arrayAbbrev( -> i).toArray()) + "\"]"); } } class Shuffle implements Expr { private Expr a; private int len = -1; public Shuffle(Expr a) { this.a = a; } public void eval(int[] res, int i, boolean shuffleReverse, boolean sortedLater) { a.eval(res, i, shuffleReverse, true); if(!sortedLater) { int j = i + a.length(); Arrays.sort(res, i, j); if(shuffleReverse) { for(int k = i; k < i + j - k - 1; k++) { int tmp = res[k]; res[k] = res[i + j - k - 1]; res[i + j - k - 1] = tmp; } } } } public int length() { if(len == -1) len = a.length(); return len; } public String toString() { return "shuffle(" + a + ")"; } public void visualize() { System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + "[color=gold,penwidth=3,label=\"shuffle\"];"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(a) + ";"); a.visualize(); } } class Sorted implements Expr { private Expr a; private int len = -1; public Sorted(Expr a) { this.a = a; } public void eval(int[] res, int i, boolean shuffleReverse, boolean sortedLater) { a.eval(res, i, shuffleReverse, true); if(!sortedLater) Arrays.sort(res, i, i + a.length()); } public int length() { if(len == -1) len = a.length(); return len; } public String toString() { return "sorted(" + a + ")"; } public void visualize() { System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + "[color=darkorchid1,penwidth=3,label=\"sorted\"];"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(a) + ";"); a.visualize(); } } class Concat implements Expr { private Expr a, b; private int len = -1; public Concat(Expr a, Expr b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } public void eval(int[] res, int i, boolean shuffleReverse, boolean sortedLater) { a.eval(res, i, shuffleReverse, sortedLater); b.eval(res, i + a.length(), shuffleReverse, sortedLater); } public int length() { if(len == -1) len = a.length() + b.length(); return len; } public String toString() { return "concat(" + a + "," + b + ")"; } public void visualize() { System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + "[color=dodgerblue3,penwidth=3,label=\"concat\"];"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(a) + ";"); System.out.println("node_" + System.identityHashCode(this) + " -> node_" + System.identityHashCode(b) + ";"); a.visualize(); b.visualize(); } }