#include using namespace std; // Use-case: team knows how to implement quicksort but don't know the // standard library well enough to know they can use sorted(), sort(), // Collections.sort(), eval("mylist.sort()") to get it done for them. template void quicksort(T beg,T end){ if (beg==end or beg+1==end) return; auto const pivot=beg[rand()%(end-beg)]; auto l=beg,r=end-1; for (;;){ while (l<=r and (*lr;) if (*i==pivot) swap(*(r++),*i); quicksort(beg,l+1); quicksort(r,end); } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n; cin>>n; vector v(n); for (auto &i: v) cin>>i; quicksort(v.begin(),v.end()); long double res=1.L; for (int i=n; i--;){ if (v[i]>i+1){ cout<<"impossible"<