import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * Solution to Folding Game. * * @author vanb */ public class folding { public Scanner sc; public PrintStream ps; /** * Class to hold the info about a fold. * * @author vanb */ public class Fold { // w & h are height and width AFTER the fold. // overlap is the amount of overlap caused by the fold. public int w, h, overlap; // Which edge folds? T, B, L or R public char edge; // Consider a single fold. After the fold, there's a part with // a thickness of 2 and a part with a thickness of 1. If k is small, // then the single-thickness part doesn't move. // However, If k>w/2 for R,L or k>h/2 for T,B, then // that single thickness part "flips" over the other part. // This variable captures whether that happens or not. public boolean flip; /** * Create a fold. * * @param ww Width after folding * @param hh Height after folding * @param o Amount of overlap * @param e Relative edge * @param f Flip? */ public Fold( int ww, int hh, int o, char e, boolean f ) { w = ww; h = hh; overlap = o; edge = e; flip = f; } /** * Produce a pretty String for debugging. * * @return Pretty String */ public String toString() { return "[w=" + w + ",h=" + h + ",overlap=" + overlap + ",edge=" + edge + ",flip=" + flip + "]"; } /** * X will be in a different place if the fold "flips". * * @param x X location * @return Modified X location */ public int getx( int x ) { return flip ? w+overlap-x : x; } /** * Y will be in a different place if the fold "flips". * * @param y Y location * @return Modified Y location */ public int gety( int y ) { return flip ? h+overlap-y : y; } } /** Array of folds */ Fold folds[]; /** * Count the number of layers at this point, for the given folds. * This recursive routine will essentially "unfold" the paper, * one fold at a time. * * @param n Starting fold * @param x x of (x,y) point * @param y y of (x,y) point * @return Number of layers at the given point. */ int countlayers( int n, int x, int y ) { int result=1; // No more folds? if( n==0 ) { // Then there's one layer. result = 1; } else { // This is where we are in the folds[] array --n; // Capture w, h, overlap int w = folds[n].w; int h = folds[n].h; int overlap = folds[n].overlap; // Do different things based on the edge folded switch( folds[n].edge ) { case 'T': { // Here's where the point is on the unfolded paper result = countlayers( n, x, folds[n].gety(y) ); if( y>h-overlap) { // If it's in the double-folded section, // then the point is also here. result += countlayers( n, x, folds[n].gety(h+h-y) ); } break; } case 'B': { // Here's where the point is on the unfolded paper result = countlayers( n, x, folds[n].gety(y+overlap) ); if( yw-overlap ) { // If it's in the double-folded section, // then the point is also here. result += countlayers( n, folds[n].getx(w+w-x), y ); } break; } case 'L': { // Here's where the point is on the unfolded paper result = countlayers( n, folds[n].getx(x+overlap), y ); if( x=oldh ) System.err.println( "PANIC!! k is " + k + " but height is " + oldh ); // Create a new fold, modify the height int overlap = Math.min( k, oldh-k ); int newh = oldh-overlap; folds[i] = new Fold( oldw, newh, overlap, edge, overlap!=k ); oldh = newh; break; } case 'R': case 'L': { // Something for the judges to check the validity of the input if( k>=oldw ) System.err.println( "PANIC!! k is " + k + " but width is " + oldw ); // Create a new fold, modify the width int overlap = Math.min( k, oldw-k ); int neww = oldw-overlap; folds[i] = new Fold( neww, oldh, overlap, edge, overlap!=k ); oldw = neww; break; } default: { // Something for the judges to check the validity of the input System.err.println( "PANIC! Unknown char! " + edge ); } } } // Read in the point int x = sc.nextInt(); int y = sc.nextInt(); // Count the layers! ps.println( countlayers( n, x, y ) ); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { new folding().doit(); } }