import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * Solution to Electric Car Rally * * There are two tricks we'll use. First, the easy one. Each 'road' * can have different weights at different times. We'll consider each * time slot to be a separate 'road'. * * Now, the tough one. This is obviously a candidate for Dijkstra's shortest * path algorithm, with 'minutes' being the distance measure. But, there's a catch. * In Dijkstra, once you visit a node, you never visit it again. That won't * work for this problem. Consider visiting a station at time t with an empty * battery. What if you visit that same station at time t+1 with a nearly full battery? * The t+1 visit might yield a better overall result than the time t visit! So, we've * got to modify Dijkstra. * * We'll create a threshold of time when we're still willing to visit a station. * That threshold will be the earliest time the car could leave with a fully charged * battery. That'll be minutes+480-charge. If that's less than our threshold, we'll visit the node. * We'll still sort the nodes by visit time, because ultimately, we want to know the earliest * time we can get to station n-1 without regard to battery charge. * * @author vanb */ public class rally_vanb { public Scanner sc; public PrintStream ps; /** * A Road, with endpoints, start and stop times, and time to travel. * * @author vanb */ public class Road { // Endpoints public int a, b; // Start/Stop times, travel time public int start, stop, time; /** * Create a Road. * * @param a Station at one end * @param b Station at the other end * @param start Start time * @param stop Stop time * @param time Travel time */ public Road( int a, int b, int start, int stop, int time ) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.start = start; this.stop = stop; this.time = time; } /** * The 'other' station. * * @param s A station at one end of this road. * @return The station at the other end. */ public int other( int s ) { return s==a ? b : a; } /** * A pretty String for debugging. * * @return A Pretty String */ public String toString() { return "{" + a + "-" + b + ", " + start + ", " + stop + ", " + time + "}"; } } /** * This is a State of the (modified) Dijkstra algorithm. * * @author vanb */ public class State implements Comparable { // What station we've reached public int station; // How long we've been traveling, in total public int minutes; // Charge in our battery upon arrival public int charge; /** * Create a state. * * @param s Station * @param m Minutes * @param c Charge */ public State( int s, int m, int c ) { station = s; minutes = m; charge = c; } /** * Compare this State to another, solely by minutes. * * @param s Another State * @return -1, 0 or 1, as per the norm for compareTo() */ public int compareTo( State s ) { return minutes - s.minutes; } } /** * Driver. * @throws Exception */ public void doit() throws Exception { sc = new Scanner( ); //new File( "rally.judge" ) ); ps = System.out; //new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "rally.vanb" ) ); // All we really need to keep track of for stations // is a list of Roads. LinkedList[] stations = new LinkedList[500]; for( int i=0; i<500; i++ ) { stations[i] = new LinkedList(); } // This array will hold the thresholds for the stations, // as described above. int thresh[] = new int[500]; // A queue! PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue(); for(;;) { int n = sc.nextInt(); int m = sc.nextInt(); if( n==0 && m==0 ) break; // Clear the existing stations, rather than recreating them for( int i=0; i road.stop ) { // If we're here after the end time, then // we've got to hang around until the next day. wait = road.start - currenttime + 1440; } // This is the minutes of charge we'll have after waiting int newcharge = Math.min( s.charge + wait, 480 ); // Is it enough to travel this road? // Remember, 1 minute of travel requires 2 minutes of charge. if( road.time*2 <= newcharge ) { // If so, put this state on the queue! // t is the new station // s.minutes+wait+road.time is the time we'll arrive at station t // newcharge-road.time*2 is the amount of charge we'll have left when we get to station t pq.add( new State( t, s.minutes+wait+road.time, newcharge-road.time*2 ) ); } else { // We didn't have enough charge to use this road. // How long must we wait until we do? // How many more minutes of charge do we need? int need = road.time*2 - newcharge; // We've got to wait that much longer. wait += need; // This is our new time of departure int depart = (currenttime + wait) % 1440; // The rest is the same as above. if( depart < road.start ) { wait += road.start - depart; } else if( depart > road.stop ) { wait += road.start - depart + 1440; } newcharge = Math.min( s.charge + wait, 480 ); pq.add( new State( t, s.minutes+wait+road.time, newcharge-road.time*2 ) ); } } } } ps.println( best ); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { new rally_vanb().doit(); } }