# Nome # # N # Quadrant # Possible # Description ##################################################################################### # armsreach.in01 # sample_01.in # 3 # Q1 # Y # Sample used in problem description, it is possible to reach anywhere in the range [0, sum(segments)]. # armsreach.in02 # sample_02.in # 3 # Q3 # N # Sample used in problem description to show to reach to the closest possible point # armsreach.in03 # asp01.in # 1 # +x axis # Y # test with 1 segment that can reach the point. # armsreach.in04 # asp02.in # 1 # origin # N # test with 1 segment that tries to reach (0, 0). # armsreach.in05 # asp03.in # 2 # Q1 # N # test with 2 segments that tries to reach in a inner region that is not reachable. Radius reach is [5, 15]. # armsreach.in06 # asp04.in # 3 # Q1 # Y # test with 4 segments that has a inner region not reachable but the target is reachable. # armsreach.in07 # asp05.in # 3 # Q1 # Y # test with 3 segments that when inscribed in a circumference the center is outside the polygon. # armsreach.in08 # asp06.in # 3 # Q3 # Y # test with 3 segments that is not solvable if one tries to make a arm with a single "joint". # armsreach.in09 # asp07.in # 11 # Q3 # N # All segments except the largest need to point in the same direction. # armsreach.in10 # asp08.in # 20 # Q4 # Y # test with 20 segments not possible to solve with a single "joint". # armsreach.in11 # asp09.in # 20 # Q4 # Y # test with 20 segments of prime length reaching prime coordinates. # armsreach.in12 # asp10.in # 20 # origin # Y # test with 20 random segments that reachs to (0, 0). # armsreach.in13 # asp11.in # 20 # -y axis # N # test with same 20 random segments that tries to reach to (0, -20000). # armsreach.in14 # # 20 # Q2 # Y # random with gen1() # armsreach.in15 # # 20 # Q3 # Y # random with gen1() # armsreach.in16 # # 4 # Q2 # N # random # armsreach.in17 # # 20 # Q2 # N # random # armsreach.in18 # # 20 # Q1 # Y # random # armsreach.in19 # # 6 # Q4 # Y # random # armsreach.in20 # # 6 # Q3 # N # random # armsreach.in21 # # 1 # Q2 # N # 1 segment can't reach (pdr solution failed this case).