Problem X: Isn't it odd?
Read a positive integer n from standard input and print the odd integers
greater than 0 and less than n, one per line.
Sample Input
Output for Sample Input
Problem Y: Contest Score
Compute the score for a number of submissions from a programming contest
contestant. Each line of input contains a problem identifier (a single
letter from A to Z), a time (in minutes from 0 to 300), and a judgement
(the word "correct" or the word "incorrect"). The input is in ascending
order by time, and there will be at most one "correct" judgement
for each problem. A line containing '-' follows the last line of
input. The output has two components: solved and penalty.
solved is the number of distinct problems with a "correct" judgement.
penalty is the sum of: the time at which each distinct problem
is first judged "correct", and 20 for each "incorrect" submission for
a problem that is later judged "correct".
Sample Input
A 100 correct
B 110 incorrect
B 111 correct
C 300 correct
D 333 incorrect
Output for Sample Input
3 531