Contest Scoreboard

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Contest of Thursday, January 01, 2015
19:45 to 12:45 EDT

967803 minutes remaining

1plg5697372+60697373697374697376697376697377(-1)700267+40  (-4) (-1)(-1)  (-1) 74884615
2ym84560149646845(-2)       (-1)       21206994
3ajk22(-2)558645               (-2)1558645
4dbm33(-3)      607920+20          1607940
5ajg51 (-1)(-1)       (-1)       00
6azd2(-2)(-1)(-1)               00
7cym4 (-1)                00
8hss9 (-3)     (-2)          00
9jz134          (-1)       00
10mao26 (-1)        (-1) (-1)     00
11mo82(-1)(-1)                00
12pf50  (-1)               00
13td84(-2)(-1)(-1)               00

Only official teams are shown in emphasized typeface.

Current date and time:
Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:41:45 -0400

Ultra Cool Programming Contest Control Centre v1.8
Copyright (c) 2005-2010 by Sonny Chan